Lido Key Storm Damage Protection Project
Cottrell hydraulically pumped approximately 1.6 miles of shoreline on Lido Key using beach compatible material. Construction consisted of dredging approximately 800,000 cubic yards from Big Sarasota Pass, primary offshore sand source, with the maximum dredge cut depth of -13.5'.
Project work also includes the construction of 2 groins at the south end of the project between R-42 and R-44.
The groin construction will consist of 2-ton armor stones, placed on 12-inch-thick foundation mats, lying on geotextile fabric. The northern groin will be 170 feet in length and the southern groin will be 345 feet in length with a crest elevation set at +4.0 feet.
This project consisted of dredging approximately 200,000 cubic yards of maintenance material from the Federal channel. The dredge Rockbridge performed the work to a required depth of -19 feet. Approximately 100,000 cubic yards of the dredged material were placed hydraulically at the Tow n Beach of Cape Charles. The remaining 100,000 cubic yards of dredged material were placed at the existing upland placement site in Cape Charles. Dredging required approximately 3.5 miles of hydraulic pipeline for the beach placement and approximately 5 miles of hydraulic pipeline for placement at the upland site for Cape Charles Final Phase Maintenance Dredging of Portions of Cherrystone Channel of the Cape Charles, Virginia.
Dredging was conducted seven days a week, 24 hours a day without a loss time accident.